Yesterday, as I predicted, was a pretty great day. In the morning, Ashley asked me to fold a pile of inserts to stuff programs with. There is a performance today after all. I have been getting a bit tired of this kind of work lately, but Katie came in today and once she started helping things went a lot faster. We finished about thirty minutes before Julia wanted to leave to load-in at the Josephinum, and she didn't have any assignments for us just then. Pretty much everyone else at the office had disappeared to somewhere (we saw Arianne and Ashley returning from a walk when we left) so they couldn't really ask us for anything either. It was kind of cool though, because I talked to Katie about college, auditions, and where I think I might go.
Talking to Katie about college was really interesting because she's from Cleveland and three of the schools I want to go to are from right around there. I guess she had thought for a long time that she definitely wanted to go to Baldwin-Wallace, but changed her mind quasi at the last minute and ended up at OSU. But, the reason for changing her mind (a problem with her tuba embouchure that her private teacher—with whom she would continue to take lessons if she were to attend B-W) doesn't apply to me at all, so she was really encouraging me to go there. I haven't heard back from them yet though, so I can't make the call yet. In the game of college admissions (which is some combination of poker and chicken) it's "their move."
Load-in at the Josephinum went swimmingly. Setting up chairs, stands, and stand lights is another task that goes much faster when several people are at it. James Yeager, who I think is in charge of music at the Josephinum and is who Julia works with to get the Josephinum series set up, let us in but then was practicing organ while we were setting up. It's really cool, I'm excited. Afterwards, Julia and I stopped at UDF to get milk shakes. We went to the one right by Linworth, and for a second I was confused as to why the school was dark and no one was there. Then I remembered there was no school today. Silly me.
After I took care of a few quick things, Ashley had me stuffing programs when I got back. Joe helped, and so did a board member who had come in to bring wine for ProMusica's wine raffle at their Gala in May (every board member brings in two bottles of wine and they raffle the collection off) and I think to talk to Janet. I talked to him about Linworth and Walkabout. That reminds me, I was called a good intern twice yesterday—not by Julia, but that's not the point. When we picked up stands at the Southern Theatre to take to the Josephinum, Greg (stage manager I think) talked to us for a while before we left. Julia said that I was leaving after the April concert and he was like, "why is it all the good ones leave us?" Yeah, I know it was a joke and all, but I was happy. Then, when I was talking to Marty (the board member) about Linworth, Joe was like, "yeah, this is one of our *good* interns." Yay!
When I finished with that, Julia was getting ready to leave for a school visit and didn't know what to give me to do for an hour and a half. Ashley asked me to find and read news articles about what' going on in the classical music world and make a little document of shot summaries and URLs for her to reference. That was probably the most rewarding assignment I had today. In any case, I enjoyed doing it, because it was interesting to me. I was looking for information about something that I also wanted to know about. I left late because I wasn't done reading.
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